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Party box "Salad 1"

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Party box "Salad 1"
4 200  
Party Box "New Year's Feast"
1. Olivier with sausage. The same "Olivier", like grandmother's - with pink doctor's sausage according to GOST, boiled potatoes and homemade mayonnaise.2. Traditional “Herring under a fur coat” is a constant hit out of season for any table. Delicate pieces of Iwashi herring are wrapped in layers of finely grated beets, potatoes and boiled eggs, seasoned with homemade mayonnaise.3. Georgian style fried eggplant rolls. Crispy eggplant rolls filled with spicy spicy pasta with walnuts, chopped cilantro and Georgian spices. Garnished with sweet grains of ripe pomegranate and fresh parsley.4. Eggplant caviar. Fragrant caviar from grilled eggplants and peppers
1215 БЖУ 60,9/179/95,2 g 2227 kcal
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