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Loyalty program

Welcome to Ginza Delivery loyalty!

You make orders — we give presents!

We give 500 bonus points after registration on the site or in the mobile application on the first order!

Ginza Delivery loyalty use two types of points:

- Welcome points. After registration and after placing the first order, Ginza Delivery gives each guest 500 bonus points.

- Local points. Calculated at the rate of 10% of the amount of your order. Each restaurant charges the individual points that can be spent only in the restaurant which credited bonus points. For example, pay the order at the Mansarda restaurant is possible only with points accrued after orders at the Mansarda restaurant.

You can see amount of all your bonus points and details in your personal account.Points are not awarded or canceled if the order has not been received or paid for whatever reasons.

You can purchase order with points or rubles, without possibility of combination. The minimum order amount is 1500 - 2000 bonus points.

Bonus points is awarded only after registration. Points is not awarded for orders placed before registration.Paying orders at Ginza Project restaurants (visiting restaurants) is unavailable. Ginza Delivery loyalty is available only for delivery.Bonus points are not combined with current discounts and promotions in restaurants. Payment for orders with bonus points is not available on public holidays.

*Dear guests, from 07.07.2023 we have changed the conditions of the loyalty program. Ginza Shop is no longer accepting orders.