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Delivery service

24-hour Ginza Project food and flowers delivery to anywhere in Saint-Petersburg.

Ginza Delivery has been working since 2007. We know tastes and preferences of our guests. Our mission – high quality service!

You can always make an order with Ginza Delivery and get advice on the delivery.We use the best ingredients and start preparing only after receipt of your order. The process of preparation and delivery of even the most complex orders usually takes no more than an hour. Skilled hands of our high trained cooks will prepare your order quickly, efficiently, and most importantly — with love.

Ginza Delivery service will deliver your order at any day of the week: on weekends and holidays. You will get your breakfast, lunch or dinner hot — we took care of it. Our thermal bags keep temperature of 80 degrees, which means that the order will arrive hot, regardless of the distance to your home or office!

Ginza Delivery service will deliver the order to the exact date you define.

To prevent coronavirus infection in our restaurants, enhanced control is carried out during the preparation and delivery of orders. Our employees undergo strict medical control, delivery bags are treated with disinfectants after each order.

Make a reservation on our website, by phone +7 (812) 243-44-44 or via mobile app for iPhone, iPad, or Android (the App Store and Google Play: Ginza Delivery).

ООО "Гинза Диджитал"
Адрес юридический: 192007, г.Санкт-Петербург, ул.
Днепропетровская, дом 57, литера А
ИНН/КПП № 7840021457 / 781601001
Свидетельство 78 № 009216358 от 20.03.2015 г.
Межрайонная ИФНС № 27 по Санкт-Петербургу
ОГРН № 1157847022629
Свидетельство 78 № 009200101 от 27.01.2015 г.
р/сч 40702810355040009776
к/сч 30101810500000000653
БИК 044030653
Коды статистики ОКАТО 40296561000
ОКТМО 40902000
ОКПО 94648931
ОКОПФ 12300
ОКВЭД 74.40
Рекламная деятельность
Регистрационные номера в фондах ФСС РФ 7804103921
ПФ РФ 088-015-081732